What is Reading?
“ An activity in understanding text from several ways comperhand information {Language study of text : English}”
What is Reading Comperhension ?
“ Process of constructing meaning from written text, based on a complex coodination of a number of interrelated sources of information “
Purpose of Reading :
“ Get information to know point of the text, understanding particular message from sort of text “
Some Views of Reading :
The Traditional View
The Cognitive View
The Metacognitive View
Nb. Interpreted : menafsirkan / mengungkapkan dgn bhs sendiri
Cultural meaning : makna budaya
Literal meaning : makna bahasa
Comprehension : pemahaman
Types of reading skilss :
Reading rapidly for the main points, identifying the main ideas of a text by reading first and last paragraphs (topic sentence, and nothing organizational dues such as tittle, bold, type, italics, capitalized words, captions, etc
Reading rapidly to find a specific piece of information usually this skill is used to find information based on question.
Extensive Reading
Reading a longer text, often for pleasure with a emphasis on overoll meaning. Reading a large Quantity of text, where reading confidence a reading fluency are prioritized.
Intensive Reading
Reading a short text for detailed information a slow, carefull reading style that is appropriate for very difficult texts."